Right to Information

1. Rules of Business

2. Act Relevant for the Deptt.

3. Rules Relevant For The Department

4. Directory of Officers and their Duties
     Duties Assigned to the Official of Parliamentary Affairs Deptt.
     Duties Assigned to the Official of Parliamentary Affairs Deptt. - 2024

5. Budget of this Department
     Revenue Expenditure
     Revenue Expenditure - 2024

6. Decision Making Channel

Decision-making process in the Department may be illustrated through the following chart.

Hon’ble MIC of the Deptt.

Additional Chief Secretary

Additional Secretary

Joint Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Assistant Secretary


Section Officer

Head Assistant

U.D.A. / L.D.A.

7. Information available in the Department

8. SPIO Names :

Serial No. Name of the Public Authority Name of the Officer & Designation Appointed as AA/SPIO/SAPIO Office Address Phone No. E-Mail
1. Parliamentary Affairs Smt. Sampa Dhar, W.B.C.S. (Exe.), Special Secretary Appellate Authority Writers’ Buildings, ‘G’-Block, 1st Floor, Kolkata-1 9433116415 jtsecpa@gmail.com
2. Parliamentary Affairs Shri Arun Kumar Mazumder, WBSS, Deputy Secretary SPIO Writers’ Buildings, ‘G’-Block, 1st Floor, Kolkata-1 9123355044 pankajini1966@gmail.com
3. Parliamentary Affairs Shri Gopal Chandra Pakhira, W.B.S.S., Assistant Secretary SAPIO Writers’ Buildings, ‘G’-Block, 1st Floor, Kolkata-1 9614585034 pakhiragopal1967@gmail.com